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Prospective study of e-cigarette use and respiratory symptoms in adolescents and young adults

Vaping Increases Lung Problem Risk by Double in Teens: Study – Here’s How to Quit Vaping

E-cigarette usage among teenagers is associated with a troubling link between vaping and lung health, causing concern about its impact on the respiratory system. Researchers from Ohio State University, the University of Southern California, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill examined the prevalence of lung problems among young people who use e-cigarettes.

Understanding the Study’s Findings

According to a study published in the Thorax Journal, teens who vape are twice as likely to suffer from lung-related issues, such as bronchitis, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Researchers studied data collected from over 2,000 participants who completed questionnaires between 2014 and 2018.

There were three primary respiratory symptoms evaluated in this study: wheezing, bronchitis signs, and shortness of breath. The term wheezing refers to chest-related whistling or wheezing in the past 12 months. In order for bronchitis to be defined, a daily cough for three months in a row, a bronchitis diagnosis within the previous year, or persistent congestion/phlegm were required. When individuals experienced discomfort when hurrying on level ground or walking uphill, shortness of breath was considered.

Researchers found that respiratory symptoms associated with vaping persisted even when participants were not exposed to secondhand smoke, other tobacco products, or marijuana. Certain limitations were noted in the study, such as self-reporting, lack of data on vaping quantity, and differences in questionnaire content across years.

Implications for Regulation and Teenage Health

In addition to the study’s findings, there is growing evidence suggesting that e-cigarettes induce respiratory symptoms warranting regulatory attention. Considering that 14 percent of U.S. youth use e-cigarettes, this study underscores the importance of considering lung health when regulating these products.

Considering these findings, the study serves as a reminder of the health risks associated with vaping, especially for young people. Adolescents and their support networks should be aware of the potential respiratory consequences of vaping and consider ways to prevent and stop it.

You should consult a healthcare professional if you are concerned about the health and well-being of your lungs or those of a loved one who vapes.


Thorax: “Prospective study of e-cigarette use and respiratory symptoms in adolescents and young adults.

Here’s How to Quit Vaping.

Are you ready to quit vaping and go on a healthy path? With the proper planning and strategies, living a vape-free life is not only possible but also easy. Let’s look at what actions you may take to guarantee a smooth transition away from vaping.

Recognizing Your Motivation

Understanding why you want to stop vaping might be a strong incentive. Consider the good changes you’re looking forward to, such as improved health, financial savings, or taking control of your life. Consider how vaping affects your relationships, schooling, and overall well-being.

Crafting Your List of Reasons

Write out your reasons for stopping vaping. Make a list of how vaping interferes with your life and the advantages of quitting. Keep this list prominent to remind yourself of your objectives. You may also save it on your phone to refer to when cravings arise, which will help you keep focused on your mission.

A Comprehensive Approach to Quitting

Consider abandoning other tobacco products if you use them in addition to vaping to truly embrace a vape-free lifestyle. While it may seem difficult, quitting smoking is a huge step towards improved health.

Making Use of Available Resources

Make use of resources designed to assist you on your trip. The quitSTART app and SmokefreeTXT program are both excellent resources for quitting vaping. These tools can give targeted instruction, incentives, and help.

Committing to a Quit Date

Set a stop date and allow yourself enough time to intellectually and emotionally prepare. While it is critical to choose a day that feels appropriate for you, avoid delaying it too long in advance, since this may reduce your commitment. Aim to quit within a week or two.

Planning for Success

Plan your quit date to facilitate a smooth transition. Give yourself the tools you need to control your urges and remain quit. Choose a non-stressful day that will allow you to focus on your quest.

Navigating Challenges

The first few weeks of stopping vaping might be the most difficult. Prepare for any triggers that may result in cravings. Determine the events, feelings, or individuals that cause you to want to vape. Avoiding these triggers in the early stages of quitting will help you succeed.

Overcoming Cravings and Withdrawal

Prepare for cravings and withdrawal symptoms by planning how to deal with them. Create techniques for dealing with vaping-related thoughts and feelings. By anticipating these difficulties, you will be able to better manage them and keep your commitment to quitting.

Resisting Temptations

Avoid environments where there is a lot of vaping. If you find yourself in such a situation, make a strategy to deal with it. Consider taking a break from vaping buddies and practicing replies to refusing vaping invites to join.

Imagining a Vape-Free Future

Transitioning away from vaping can be difficult, especially if it has been a regular part of your routine. Accept the following suggestions to assist you in adjusting:

  • Change your perspective to perceive yourself as someone who does not vape.
  • Concentrate on your positive qualities beyond vaping.
  • To find inspiration, imagine your future self and compare it to your current state.

Building a Support Network

Surround yourself with friends who support your choice to stop vaping. Friends, family, and coworkers may offer encouragement, diversion, and morale boosts. Communicate your objectives and request their cooperation.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Consult a healthcare physician or a tobacco cessation counselor if you require personalized help and resources. These experts can provide specialized advice to improve your journey.

Handling Resistance

Adopt ways to manage the responses of individuals in your life who do not understand your choice to stop vaping. Distancing yourself from unsupportive people may be required. Remember why you quit, and recommit to your goals.

Remember that your desire and preparation are crucial to your success as you begin on your road to quitting vaping. You may attain a vape-free life and enjoy the advantages of better well-being by utilizing resources, developing a strategy, and establishing a strong support network.

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