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Where Pakistan is headed? Will it get better?

The Dilect Observed: Pakistan is currently going through a hard transformation of power and influence. It seems like this road is not taking anyone anywhere but deeper into a harsh crisis. Judicial comments seem in no favor of public-sided sentiments. It’s been over 16 months since an elected government was dropped by a No-Confidence vote and over 6 months to the tenure of the caretaking government. Elections are being announced in Feb -2024. But It’s hard to believe nominees are pulling any crowd.


Will elections be held in Feb -2024 in Pakistan?

The fear of losing might cause them to bow in more crisis and lose hope of elections being held. Seems like the Constitution is being broken red-handedly. And hard to imagine If this situation will bring Pakistan to any stability even After the elections.

Price of Petrol and Stock exchange in Pakistan?

Pakistan is Drowning in huge debt because of inflation. Stock exchange is being manipulated with bulls money and it reaches to roof reaching a record of 68000 points. While the gas is still at 282 per/liter. Pakistan is currently producing very low numbers of its export goods.

Current Policy impact on Pakistan’s future?

It will be surprisingly hard for any government or shift of powers in an establishment to handle any occurring situations when everything will be strength-loose. Pakistan law-making authorities need to rethink policy. Or this road is taking Pakistan, nowhere but to hell.

Impact of crisis in Pakistan?

Pakistani citizens might see another impact in decreasing buying power, Pakistan is currently seeing a huge rise in criminal activities such as fake currency spread, gunpoint snatching, Drug market, and others.

Will elections in the USA impact Pakistan’s current situation?

Pakistan’s policy shift is also been observed with some of the foreign countries’ policy shifts. This brings us to another aspect of seeing a major shift of change in policymaking in the United States of America. We all will have to wait till Nov-24. And after-comings of global impacts.

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