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Apple iPhone 15 Pro

How Much Salary You Need to Buy iPhone 15 in Pakistan?

iPhone 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, and 15 Pro Max are the four models in the highly-anticipated iPhone 15 series. These cutting-edge phones, however, are extremely expensive for Pakistanis.

Our article will delve into the details of the iPhone 15 Pro Max and explore how it impacts your monthly salary.

iPhone 15 Price in Pakistan: A Costly Affair

Let’s get right to the point. There is no way an average Pakistani can afford the new 256 GB iPhone 15 Pro Max. Twitter’s World of Statistics account has released eye-opening data regarding the percentage of your salary needed to own this premium device.

The new iPhone 15 Pro Max would cost an average Pakistani 816% of their monthly income to purchase. Pakistan ranks slightly ahead of Egypt at 821%, but significantly behind Nigeria at 754%.

The following amount in Pakistani Rupees (PKR) is based on the percentages given:

  • A Pakistani would have to allocate approximately 816% of their monthly earnings to purchase the new iPhone 15 Pro Max. Based on an average monthly salary of PKR 50,000, they would need approximately PKR 408,000 to afford the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Comparing Global iPhone 15 Pro Max Prices

Take a quick look at Pakistan’s affordability of the iPhone 15 Pro Max compared to other countries. Switzerland is in the top 5 countries on this list, where owning an iPhone would cost you only 20% of your income. Following closely is Singapore at 24%, the United States at 28%, the United Arab Emirates at 34%, and Australia at 35%.

iPhone 15 Pro Max Price in Pakistan:

Those eagerly anticipating the iPhone 15 Pro Max in Pakistan can find out more here. At the current exchange rate (Rs. 295), this sleek gadget starts at $1100 in the United States. As a result of PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) approval requirements, the final price in Pakistan is expected to be considerably higher.

In Pakistan, the iPhone 14 Pro Max retails for Rs. 540,000, including additional retail margins. Hence, when the iPhone 15 Pro Max is officially launched, we expect its price to begin at approximately Rs. 555,000 or even higher.

The latest iPhone 15 series, particularly the Pro Max model, is an expensive purchase for the average Pakistani. It’s crucial to plan your budget carefully if you aspire to own this remarkable device. Keep an eye out for updates on its price and availability in Pakistan.

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